I'm Donny. I'm a world traveler, investor, entrepreneur, and online marketing aficionado who has a big appetite to compete and disrupt big markets. I thrive on being able to create things that impact change, difficult challenges, and being able to add value in negative situations.
According to a recent survey by Harris Poll, more than half of the US workforce (52%) have considered changing their jobs this year. Coupled with the increasing emphasis on work-life balance and mental health awareness, it’s not surprising if you start asking yourself, “when should I quit my job?” at some point in your career.
You should quit your job when you’re no longer passionate about your job. A hostile work environment, a lack of growth, being under-compensated by your employer, and losing interest in going to work are strong reasons to quit your job.
It’s important to identify the root of your resentment to make sure that your decision to leave your job is strategic and not driven by impulsions alone. In this article, I’ll discuss several factors you should be considering before you decide to make the big leap.
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4 Telltale Signs That It’s Time To Quit Your Job
People don’t just simply quit their jobs for no reason. There must be more than one reason for people wanting to quit their job. The most common reason is not feeling happy or being unsatisfied in the workplace. Many factors can cause such feelings.
If you’re not sure whether or not to quit your job, keep reading as I share with you telltale signs that it’s time to quit your job.
Your Work Environment Is Hostile
When you notice that your job has taken a toll on your physical or mental health, it is perhaps the best indication that a job switch is necessary.
One example of a hostile workplace is when the employees face “racism, fear, and intimidation” on a daily basis.
Although we know good bosses are often hard to come by, you might be better off looking for opportunities elsewhere instead of tolerating a micromanaging, incompetent leader who lacks empathy.
You Don’t See Any Room for Growth
Be honest - all of us have that desire, though to a varying degree, to make a name for ourselves in our respective fields. For some, this would mean climbing up the corporate ladder or pushing ourselves to the edge of our limits by learning and applying new skills.
Hence, once you start to find your job to be not adequately challenging nor fulfilling, your capabilities might have already outgrown the upward mobility that your company can afford to offer.
You Feel Under-Compensated
One of the main reasons which drive people to change jobs is the yearning for a higher salary. Ideally, your pay should mirror your value to the company as an employee and your growth potential.
As such, if you sense a mismatch between your contribution and the remuneration you are receiving - be it fiscal or fringe benefits - it could be a sign that it’s time to move on.
You Dread Going to Work
“Monday blues,” “Mid-week crisis,” “Sunday scaries” - these are a few of the many phrases we have invented to demonstrate our emotional ups and (mostly) downs during a typical work-week.
It goes a long way to show that we are generally reluctant to return to work after a fun weekend or an amusing vacation.
However, when you feel genuinely unhappy at work, you should try your very best to locate the source of your dread. The bottom line is, your job shouldn’t make you feel constantly awful, depressed, and under-appreciated.
If the cause of your resentment reveals a structural or permanent problem, you might want to leave your job before it negatively impacts your physical and mental well-being.
What to Consider Before You Quit
Now, you have kind of made up your mind to quit your job, whether it is because your current circumstances fall within one of the telltale signs detailed above or for some other reasons.
Though it’s important to trust yourself and value your intuition, I must implore you to take a step back and ask yourself these few questions before you type out that resignation letter:
Have You Explored All Internal Options?
Companies will usually have internal mechanisms in place to alleviate their employee’s hardships. For example, you could request to be transferred to another branch when a change in environment can solve all the problems you’re facing - especially if you’re working in a sizable company.
Do You Have an Exit Plan?
You should know that if you quit your job at this moment, a long-winded job searching process will ensue, with no guarantee of when you could land your next job.
Doing so is a precarious move and might prove to be fatal, particularly if you’re not very economically well-off yet and, at the same time, under a lot of financial strain.
Therefore, I would advise you to secure a job offer before you decide to tender your resignation. At the very least, you should know which path you would be heading to and have a few job interviews lined up on your schedule.
What Could You Do to Make the Transition Smoother?
Even if you have decided to quit your job, it doesn’t mean you have to burn all bridges and destroy every rapport you have built within the course of your employment.
It could be beneficial for your future career to leave a final good impression, to bid farewell on proper terms, and to ensure a smooth transition so far as possible.
A smooth transition would entail:
- Training a capable successor to take on your responsibilities.
- Finalizing every task on hand.
- Offering assistance to your boss and colleagues even after your departure.
What to Do Next?
Be extra cautious about wanting to quit your job. You don’t want to be carried away by your emotions, which could be temporary. Before you quit your job, ask yourself these vital questions:
- Is your workplace hostile?
- Will there be any room for growth?
- Are you in a state of under-compensation?
- Do you dread going to work?
Judging from the fact that you’ve arrived at the end of this article, I trust you’ve been carrying out independent analysis and research by yourself, and would therefore make the best decision for your future. Good luck!
Launch Your Blog Biz
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I'm Donny. I'm a world traveler, investor, entrepreneur, and online marketing aficionado who has a big appetite to compete and disrupt big markets. I thrive on being able to create things that impact change, difficult challenges, and being able to add value in negative situations.
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