Aurora is a Canadian freelance writer specializing in content creation and copywriting. She loves writing about food, health, marketing, and business.
HealthyWage is a unique program that allows you to get paid for losing weight, either as an individual or as a team, by putting money down on your own weight loss journey. Join a large supporting community, while earning cash prizes.
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Pros & Cons
I think most of us out there have tried more than one trendy diet or exercise regimen to lose a bit of weight. And no matter how well they start off and how much weight we shift, we always return to our old habits.
But here’s a new method. And it has nothing to do with diet or exercise. Betting your own money on your weight loss. Yep, in the wonderful world that is the internet, now you can get paid to tone up!
Here’s how.
What is HealthyWage?
HealthyWage is a website designed to help you lose weight. But it has nothing to do with diets or exercise routines. It’s all about incentives.
You place a bet on yourself with the site, with the goal of losing a certain amount. How you tackle your weight loss challenge is up to you!
If you make it, the website will pay you back your investment, plus interest. If you don’t, the money’s theirs. HealthyWage also offers team competitions, a motivating social network, corporate programs, and prizes of up to $10,000!
How does it work?
HealthyWage can be done either as an individual, or as a group.
Individual weight loss
If you’ve been looking for a push to help you avoid weight gane and lose some weight, this may just be the perfect solution for you. Here are the steps involved:
1. Calculate your prize
HealthyWage has a prize calculator. Set your weight loss goal, and see how much you can earn. You can play with the numbers a little bit to see just how much you can win!
You have to bet at least $100, but the more you bet the more your prize amount will be!
2. Create an account and place your bet
Once you’ve found that sweet spot on the prize calculator, create an account and make that initial bet. You can pay in monthly installments or all at once. There’s no turning back now!
3. Verify weight
In case you were wondering how they make sure people are being truthful, don’t worry. There’s a system in place. You’ll have to prove your existing weight to a HealthyWage staff member by filming yourself stepping on a scale.
The site says you can also do this via a gym, doctor, or at a Weight Watchers meeting, but I feel it’d be easier from home (and less embarrassing)!
4. Lose the weight
This step is all up to you, and is the hardest part. I scouted some HealthyWage support groups online, and I recommend checking them out if you’re needing a little support on your road to weight loss success.
5. Win money!
Once you’ve reached the end of the time period and have (hopefully) lost that goal weight, weigh in as you did before and win your prize money back plus some!

Team weight loss programs
Healthy wage also offers a way to lose weight and win $10,000 as a team! In these team challenges, you’ll make a bet of $33.00 a month for 3 months, which is the length of the challenge.
In teams of five people, you’ll compete against strangers to lose the most body weight at a limit of 16.6% per person (for safety reasons).
If you're competing as a corporate team, your payouts are only $25 a month! Besides the support of your teammates, you’ll have 24/7 access to the HW Coach via the Support Feed.
If you don’t have people to team up with, the HealthyWage challenge will match you up with other people.

Win Big, Cash Prizes for Weight Loss
Is it legit?
HealthyWage is totally legit. I know what you’re thinking: “How the heck are they able to pay everyone to lose weight?”
Well, the sad truth is that most people don’t make their goals - less than 50% actually. So the business model makes total sense. They also evidently get some more money through government funding for promoting healthy living.
Despite this, the company pay out over $13 million dollars annually, so there are plenty of people making it work for them. The company also has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and numerous positive reviews online.
Even where negative reviews appear on Better Business Bureau, the company have taken the time to respond and find a resolution where possible.
Should I try HealthyWage?
If you have weight to lose and have been frustrated and looking for a push for gosh knows how long - absolutely. This is also an interesting way of adding a new type of incentive if you've had difficulty losing weight before.
But, make sure your own weight loss goal is something you will follow through with. Because if you’re not ready to break those unhealthy habits, you’ll just end up more frustrated (and a little more broke) than before.
However, if you’re really ready to make a change and lose the weight, then this is a great tool for you!
HealthyWage is a unique program that allows you to get paid to lose weight, either as an individual or as a team, by putting money down on your own weight loss. Join a large supporting community, while earning cash prizes.