Embroker Review

I'm Donny. I'm a world traveler, investor, entrepreneur, and online marketing aficionado who has a big appetite to compete and disrupt big markets. I thrive on being able to create things that impact change, difficult challenges, and being able to add value in negative situations.

Through Embroker, 20,000 entrepreneurs and businesses have the safety and security of a strong, digitally advanced insurance platform. Backed by A-rated reinsurers, you’ll have the best policy that’s right for your business.

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Business Insurance


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  • Customized policies
  • Talk to an insurance expert
  • Best prices
Overall Rating

Best business insurance for startups

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Key Takeaways

  • Efficient insurance marketplace
  • Insurance coverage for startups, cannabis, and private companies
  • Policy packages for every stage of business growth

Pros & Cons

Here is a quick rundown of the pros and cons of using Embroker.


  • Quick and easy setup
  • Flexible policies and pricing
  • Variety of plans backed by a group of trusted reinsurers.
  • Informed decisions to help craft the right policy for less.


  • No specified mobile app
  • No installment payment plans without going through a third-party.

Is your startup business protected for when you’re ready to launch? Have you considered the insurance you’ll need now and in the future?

The risk vs. reward decisions you make as an entrepreneur can mean the rise or fall of your business. And while there’s no avoiding the risks you’re going to take, here at Embroker we’ll help you limit a few of them and make sure you have a safety net.

While relatively young in the field, Embroker has claimed its place as a strong and reliable insurance platform. We offer a variety of policies for different businesses in their stages of growth.

Below is a quick read about Embroker to help you see if we’re right for your business.

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Quick Summary

Service: Small Business Insurance

Rates: Varies based upon the policy

Promotion: No current promotions

About Embroker

Embroker is a revolutionary online business insurance platform for U.S. businesses. Founded by Matt Miller in 2015, Embroker strives to bring business and startup insurance policies up-to-date with streamlined processes and digital efficiency.

We are the first digital business insurance platform and the first one boasting an intelligent startup package – this allows us to offer you a full service of insurance policies. 

Miller noted that the established market for business insurance was lacking the benefits of technology. With Embroker's database, you can find an insurance plan in a matter of minutes that suits your unique needs.

The software is even free to use. And if you are wondering how Embroker makes any money, they have an available disclosure going over their compensation.


Embroker offers a set of instant policy packages for startup, growth stage, and management liability. These helpfully bundle some commonly used insurances together for your convenience and can be tweaked to add more if needed.

Startup Package

This package is customized for venture-backed startups. It includes these four helpful policies:

  • Directors & Officers
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Tech Errors and Omission incl. Cyber
  • Fiduciary Liability

New companies are vulnerable as they work hard to get their feet under them. A single lawsuit could end you before you get running.

With these precautions in place, you can focus your attention on your business startup goals.

Growth Stage Package

Got your foundation steady and looking to grow? This policy package will help you expand into a larger company safely. This package includes these policies:

  • Directors & Officers Plus
  • Employment Practices Liability Plus
  • Tech Errors & Omissions incl. Cyber Plus
  • Fiduciary Liability

The plus versions are there for your growth. More control and coverage for you and your employees.

Management Liability Insurance

For smaller businesses that might not need to worry about expensive claims, this package focuses on the protection of those running the company. The full protection includes:

  • Directors & Officers
  • Employment Practices

This will cover you and your business officers from investors alleging you went against the contract and looking to sue. Along with these, you can also look into all of our available policies:

Business Owners Policy

This policy is a three-in-one bundle for small to medium business owners, offering coverage for the basics at a budget price.

Commercial Crime

Commercial Crime protection is for the losses caused by crimes such as fraud, forgery, theft, and more committed by first-party (internal employees) and third-party individuals.

Cyber Liability incl. Data Breach

This policy is a shield against cybercrime and data breaches. With more of your work and info being moved online and digitally, it’s important to make sure you’re well protected in cyberspace.

Directors & Officers

D&O is insurance for your assets and board of directors so they can focus on the business and not worry about personal financial loss.

Employment Practices Liability

An unfortunate reality is that some employees may lodge false allegations of discrimination or harassment against you and your company. These are taken very seriously. You need to be prepared if you ever find yourself in this scenario.

Fiduciary Liability

If you provide a benefits plan for your employees, you’ll need this policy to protect against costly mismanagement claims.

Legal Professional Liability

If you are part of a law firm or run a legal practice, this coverage protects you from legal malpractice claims against you. Giving you a little bit of peace of mind in the legal world.

Professional Liability

This policy is to protect you and your company from civil lawsuits over errors and omissions, misrepresentation claims, and others.

Tech Errors & Omission incl. Cyber

E&O protection is for tech companies to help cover crucial mistakes made during data entry and calculation.

Workers Compensation

State-mandated insurance to help you and your employees recover after a work-related accident including coverage for lost wages, rehabilitation, medical expenses, and more.

Who is Embroker Best For?

With all their policies and plans, who should be using Embroker?  Law firms and tech companies looking to keep the costs of mismanagement and E&O claims down benefit greatly from getting a customized plan through Embroker.

Startup businesses in need of affordable insurance to help them get started safely. With Embroker’s Startup Package, startup insurance is available in one easy application to help get coverage.

Medium-sized companies looking to grow or may be concerned they’re overspending on insurance policies. You can use Embroker’s software for free and see about transferring your policies or get a consultation with an advisor to see if we can find you something even better.

Embroker offers plans to cannabis companies, aviation and aerospace groups, and mobile app developers. Each one is uniquely tailored to the company’s needs for maximum efficiency and protection.

And Embroker ensures that your personal data stays safe while they handle your insurance plan. Using Amazon S3 encryption, your data is secure and never shared.

Embroker Alternatives

NEXT Insurance
Next Insurance logo
  • Best For: Small businesses
  • Rates: Depends on policy
  • Promotion: Up to 10% for multiple policies
Hiscox Insurance
Hiscox logo
  • Best For: Affordability
  • Rates: Depends on policy
  • Promotion: No current promotions
Thimble Insurance
Thimble logo
  • Best For: Micro-businesses
  • Rates: Depends on policy
  • Promotion: No current promotions

Should You Use Embroker?

So, is Embroker right for you?  This insurance platform offers state-of-the-art service to help get you insured by the best policy for a price that will help your company grow.

Each policy and plan is backed by a trusted A-rated reinsurer, giving you the ease and comfort of knowing that any claims you make are handled professionally and quickly.

You can make your payments to them directly, use them to manage claims, and bundle new insurance policies with your current plans.


Embroker is the insurance brokerage built for the way you do business. You get the ease of technology coupled with top-shelf service from the best brokers.

Embroker icon


Here are the most commonly asked questions about Embroker.

Is Embroker a legitimate insurance provider?

While Embroker is a legitimate service, they are not an insurance provider. They can connect you to insurance providers but are considered a broker.

How long does it take to get coverage?

Most of the policies that you are able to find through Embroker can be purchased within ten minutes of starting the process.

How does Embroker make money?

Embroker makes the majority of its earnings through commissions.

How does Embroker keep my personal data safe?

Embroker follows feral mandated security measures focused on administrative, physical, and technical mediums.

I'm Donny. I'm a world traveler, investor, entrepreneur, and online marketing aficionado who has a big appetite to compete and disrupt big markets. I thrive on being able to create things that impact change, difficult challenges, and being able to add value in negative situations.

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